Today, Andrea Campbell for Attorney General received the formal endorsement of the SEIU Massachusetts State Council. The SEIU Massachusetts State Council unites over 115,000 health care, higher education, public sector, and building service workers in Massachusetts, and cited Campbell’s proven record of fighting for hard-working families as a lawyer and elected official.

“The healthcare workers of 1199 SEIU are proud to support Andrea Campbell and ready to mobilize across the state to elect her as our next Attorney General,” said Executive Vice President of 1199 SEIU Tim Foley. “Andrea will bring crucial life and legal experience to the Attorney General’s Office – experiences that deeply resonate with many residents in Massachusetts. Like Andrea, we see that distinct lens as a new opportunity to expand the conversation and uplift those who are often invisible to government.” 

“As a champion of racial and economic justice, Andrea Campbell has centered her work in the values of our movement,” said Peter MacKinnon, President of the Massachusetts State Council and SEIU 509. “Even in Massachusetts, we face fierce inequity. With Andrea as Attorney General, we know everyone – from our seniors, to our immigrant populations, to our LGBTQIA+ siblings – will have a seat at the table.”

“The Attorney General’s office plays a critical role in protecting good jobs for 32BJ’s cleaners, security officers, airport workers, and other property service workers. Andrea Campbell is the best choice to fill that role, and we are proud to endorse her,” said Executive Vice President of SEIU 32BJ Roxana Rivera. “We believe that Andrea’s commitment to advocating alongside our majority Black, Brown, and immigrant workers will lead to greater opportunities for all of Massachusetts’ hard-working families.”

“As a former elected official, Andrea knows what it takes to be accountable to her constituents. She has delivered for the people time and time again on affordable housing, accessible care, better schools, racial justice, and so much more. We have no doubt she’ll bring that same accountability to the Attorney General’s office and we’re ready to hit the ground running to get her elected,” said Coralie Schubert, Area Director of SEIU 1957 Committee of Interns and Residents. 

“I am deeply grateful to have the support of the SEIU State Council, especially given who the members are, what they stand for and who they fight for. These workers, representing 115,000 hard-working Massachusetts residents, keep our hospitals, buildings and businesses operating smoothly, often behind the scenes and without the respect and gratitude they deserve,” said Andrea Campbell. “This is just the beginning of our partnership. I look forward to working together leading up to the primary to mobilize voters across the state, and as your next Attorney General to deliver greater opportunity and equity in the workplace.”

Campbell has stood shoulder-to-shoulder with labor since her time as a Boston City Councilor, always fighting to ensure workers receive the pay, benefits, and safe working conditions they are entitled to. She has supported union workers fighting for fair contracts and to protect their jobs, including standing with hotel workers laid off during the pandemic and public transit workers fighting against MBTA privatization. 

Campbell recently released her “Standing Up for Workers” policy platform, detailing specific actions she would take to continue to be an outspoken advocate for hard-working families as the next Attorney General. As Attorney General, Campbell will:

  • Partner with labor unions to protect the PRO act and the right to organize.
  • Fight tirelessly against employer wage theft and advocating for the passage of wage theft prevention legislation on Beacon Hill. Andrea knows we need to change the behavior of companies that take advantage of workers – in every industry, from the gig economy to the trades – and will hold employers accountable using every tool at her disposal as Attorney General. 
  • Strengthen the reach of the Fair Labor Division to touch every corner of the Commonwealth by partnering with existing community stakeholders, increasing cultural competence and language access, and growing the regional offices across the state to promote regional equity in the fight against wage theft. 
  • Use the Public Protection and Advocacy Bureau to ensure working families get everything they’ve been promised, including a decent wage, protections afforded by the wage and hour laws, and fairly-priced health and auto-insurance. The Bureau will fight to ensure that workers keep their hard-earned money, and if they are victims of scams and unfair business practices that they get their money back. 
  • Root out civil rights violations and discrimination, in the workplace and elsewhere, ensuring an even playing field for every working family.

In the upcoming weeks, Andrea will join members of the SEIU State Council for Get Out the Vote efforts to mobilize residents before the September 6th Democratic Primary including a canvass kickoff with members of 1199 SEIU on Thursday, July 21 in Springfield.